
Advice and guidance on giving your pet the best quality of life

The Right Kitten
The Right Puppy
Parasite Prevention
Reduce Stress for Cats


Dental disease is very common in dogs, especially as they get older. Tooth brushing is the best way to reduce tartar and plaque build-up on the teeth, reducing both dental disease and the need for corrective dental treatments in the future. It is best to start getting your dog used to having their teeth brushed when they are young, as they tend to be more amenable, but it’s never too late to start! Our staff are very happy to discuss how to start tooth brushing if you have any queries or concerns. We also stock tooth brushes and toothpastes and can give you dietary advice regarding preventative dental care.


Canine Distemper is a contagious viral disease which causes a fever and can affect the skin, gut, respiratory and nervous systems among others. Pets are infected via droplets in the air secreted from infected animals. There is no specific cure and although supportive treatment is vital, these patients cannot always be saved. Distemper is much less commonly seen now, thanks to vaccination.


Enteritis is caused by feline panleukopaenia virus. Although intensive supportive care can treat affected animals, the disease can unfortunately be severe and fatal, especially in kittens.

Feline Leukaemia Virus

Feline Leukaemia Virus is a retrovirus that causes anaemia, cancers such as lymphoma and leukaemia, and suppression of the immune system, which leaves the cat more at risk from other types of disease.


Infectious Canine Hepatitis is caused by Canine Adenovirus. Pets can be infected via faeces, urine or saliva from affected animals, which may include local wildlife. The virus causes a range of symptoms including fever and bleeding. Treatment is supportive but this disease can be fatal. Vaccination means that this disease is now uncommon.

Kennel Cough

Parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bacteria are two of the primary causes of kennel cough, an infectious respiratory disease which can be associated with a number of different bacteria and viruses. Although some pets can improve without treatment, others need hospitalisation for supportive therapy. Kennel Cough is also very contagious to other dogs.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection spread in urine that can affect many mammals and potentially be transmitted to people. It can vary in severity from mild clinical signs to organ failure and fatalities. There are many different types of the Leptospire bacteria and the vaccines that we use protect against the most common ones in pet dogs, in fact we have recently upgraded our vaccines to protect against 4 types, rather than the usual 2.


Myxomatosis is a viral disease, spread between rabbits by insects (including fleas) or direct contact. Signs of infection include reduced appetence, fever and facial or genital swellings. It is almost invariably fatal and many animals have to be put to sleep to prevent suffering.


Parvovirus is perhaps the most well-known of the diseases we regularly vaccine against. The most common symptoms are fever, vomiting and haemorrhagic diarrhoea. It can survive in the environment for months and affected pets need intensive supportive treatment to save them.


Rabies is a fatal disease affecting many species of animal, including people. It is not present in the UK but travelling pets generally need to be vaccinated against it. There are different rules for pet travel, depending on the destination, and also whether the pet will return to the UK. More information can be found via the DEFRA website.


Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD/HVD/RHD) is frequently fatal, causing fever, internal bleeding and sudden death. It is spread between rabbits by direct or indirect contact (insects/objects).